Categories: Articles

Ocean Love: Book of the month

If you are the kind who loves the ocean deeply, you surely know the pain of not being in or near the water for more than a certain period of time, after which you start to experience serious withdrawal. Long-distance relationships with the seas can be rather difficult. And looking at photographs and videos can do a great deal in lifting spirits and rekindling hope that the next reunion is not too far away. However, few things can come as close to giving us that same sense of joy and peace, as do good books about the ocean. Be it on a quiet evening at home with a hot chocolate or on the bus to work.

How many things can open up our imagination; awaken all our senses and transport us to places far away the way books can? The written word helps us paint the most vivid images in our minds while making us laugh, cry, contemplate or reminisce. In this series, we are sharing some of our favourite books (fiction and non-fiction) that teach us more about the wonders of the ocean but also beautifully put to words, all that we wish to, but usually struggle to.

Try our picks of the month and let us know your thoughts! We welcome suggestions!

How to Become a Better Scuba Diver

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How to Become a Better Scuba Diver A common misconception among divers is that learning to dive is where you acquire all the skills that you need to dive.  …

#Ocean Love: Book of the Month – What a Fish Knows, Jonathan Balcombe

| #OceanLove, Articles, Blogs, Opinions, Underwater Naturaliast Course | No Comments
What a Fish Knows: The Inner Lives of Our Underwater Cousins Jonathan Balcombe, 2017 To me, diving at the same dive site over and over is never boring. It feels…

#OceanLove: The Highest Tide, by Jim Lynch

| #OceanLove, Articles, Opinions, PADI underwater naturalist | No Comments
#OceanLove: Book Of The Month The Highest Tide, A novel by Jim Lynch “If there is poetry in my book about the sea it is not because I deliberately put it…

The author, Chetana is a PADI divemaster and resident biologist at DIVEIndia in the Andaman Islands. She is an alumnus of the Masters program at the Wildlife Conservation Society -India program and National Center of Biological Sciences in Bengaluru. She has been diving and exploring the Andaman Islands since 2013. She is also deeply excited about forests, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Chetna Purushotham

Our in-house marine biologist /dive master/mom at large, she is a proud ‘morning person’ and often the liveliest person in the dive shop. When not saving the world, one underwater naturalist program at a time, she can be seen conducting intertidal walks outside DIVEIndia, livening up the mood with her funky dance music playlist or working on her patented Crab Dance.

Published by
Chetna Purushotham

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