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Best Dive Sites in Havelock

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Best Dive Sites in Havelock

Best dive sites on Havelock Island – Updated Feb, 2023


Human beings!

Though we all are different in our own unique ways, the common feeling of curiosity makes us special and feels Human. It is wider than the sky and deeper than the ocean. We are constantly searching for new worlds and novel realms to experience something magical, feel something mystical and go beyond the frame of life where no one has been before. 

Well, while scientists try to prove this with experiments and filmmakers create their own fantasy worlds, let’s go on a journey underwater to explore the mega verse of marine life in Havelock Island. 

“Ask a diver, why do you dive?”

His answer will be complex. 

For some, it’s to see the fascinating fishes. 

For a few, it’s the feeling of liveliness and peace. 

For many is the adventure of exploration. 

The list goes on forever. 

Call it a Pandora from the movie Avatar or even a piece of paradise; Havelock from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, is one of the global hotspots for Scuba diving. It’s not just the home to exotic beaches and dense forests; it’s a marvel with copious amounts of dive sites and aquatic life. It is a safe haven and a diver’s dreamland to witness the wonders underwater and learn the craft of Scuba Diving with finesse. 


Now, gear up!



Here are the 10 best dive sites on Havelock.

1. Jhonny’s Gorge – 

Depth – 25- 30M

Type – Advanced 

If the divers of India and South East Asia have a bucket list of dive sites, the 3 names that will take the top spots are Jhonny’s Gorge, Dickson’s Pinnacle, and Jackson’s Bar. These world-class dive sites were discovered by the legendary masters of Scuba Diving from Andaman and Nicobar Islands – The Poayasay Brothers and our own team of pros led by Vandit “Vinnie” Kalia.

Speaking of Jhonny’s Gorge, it’s an unparalleled concert of marine life you cannot miss. While the schools of jackfishes, barracuda, and trevallies play their sweet melody in harmony, you can spot the rays resting on the sandy surface of the ocean bottom amidst a vast belt of coral reefs. The symphony occurs in a circular area where the showstopper and the master of ceremony are the reef sharks. The ambiance and vibe get even better with supple performers like the octopi, lionfish, and large groupers. A single dive here will grant you a natural song that will stay forever in your memory. 


2. Dickson’s Pinnacle – 

Depth – 20-30 M

Type – Advanced 

Behold the drama, fun, and action. 

It’s a wild west set up underwater. 

Instead of sand, we have vibrant corals. 

Instead of horses, we have some rare sea creatures. 

Instead of gunslingers, we have some photographers. 

The dive site harbors three colossal pinnacles adorned by soft, dense, and diverse coral reefs. The elevated podiums are a natural home for exotic and exquisite fishes like surgeons, banners, Napoleon Wrasse, and butterfly fish. The actual action begins when the rare visitors drop in – whale sharks and reef sharks. There is a lot of chasing, swimming, and even gliding. The intriguing location is also a cleaning spot where turtles, rays, groupers, puffer fish, etc., come to get cleansed with the help of other small organisms. It’s a symbiotic sight to savor. 

 A new story awaits you every time you dive here with some dramatic screenplay of nature. 


3. Jackson’s Bar – 

Depth – 25- 30M

Type – Advanced 

Imagine a bar with engaging personalities. There will be a storyteller, a music lover, and even a crazy person venting out his problems. Now imagine the fishes doing the same underwater. Yes, Jackson’s Bar is a classic site with interesting personalities of fish. The clouds of Bengal snappers, the nosy movements of fusiliers, and the funny expressions of sweet lips are a sight to relish and revisit. If you are a fan of the Dragons from Game of Thrones, you might love the short flight of majestic sting rays hovering over the flat rock bottom for fodder. 

Diver’s alert – The currents here are strong. If you are looking for a challenging site, this is your place. 


4. The Wall – 

Depth – 10-55 M

Type – Intermediate 

A masterpiece for havelock and DIVEIndia. Being our first and foremost find in 2004, The Wall is a crazy dive site with phenomenal topography, sandy beds, and coral rocks. The dive commencing from a ridge,  descends down to an enchanting drop off, introducing a wall where we can witness hues of camouflaging reef fish, octopus, cuttlefish, and squids. Look out for the floating ink; they resemble the falling feather of a bird.

The vibrant wall extends 80M with hydroids, light feather stars, and dark caves. Giant groupers, sweet lips, parrot fish, angel fish, moray eels, and scorpion fish are familiar residents here. The key highlight of the sight is when the trevallies and huge barracuda fish barge in to hunt scats and mackerel. It’s a breathtaking window of marvel to experience and explore. 


5. Pilot reef – 

Depth – 16-18M

Type – For all

Peek a Boo – I see you!

What if you get a chance to play hide and seek while diving? 

The rocky-tall reefs at the sandy bottoms of the dive site cover a variety of rich coral reefs on its surface. The true fun begins when we come across tiny caves and crevices. It holds some mysterious creatures like the white-eyed moray eels, sweepers, soldier fish, and sharks. If a diver passes by, they come out to take a sneak peek at who is entering their territory. The marine life that makes this site special and unique from the other sites are the orange spine unicorn fish, longnose butterflyfish, and trumpet fish. If you have attention to tiny things in life, the Pilot reef offers a vast range of macro life to observe, like crawfish, prawns, and shellfish. Overall, it’s a fulfilling site with loads of life forms to study. 


6. Broken Ledge – 

Depth – 16-25M

Type – Advanced 

The broken ledge is a deep-sea dive site with rifts, cracks, gaps, and openings. The fascinating topography of the site holds a landmark ridge with a broken tip, giving it the name Broken Ledge. Massive turtles, eels, and sea krait toggle between the gaps and rifts to scan for fresh crops and grass. Yellow Fin Tuna and marble rays are a few regular visitors you can often spot here. If you are in the vicinity of a turtle or an eel, remember to maintain a distance. They are shy and easily get scared by an external influence. 


7. Nemo Reef – 

Depth –   5-15M

Type – For all 

It’s a common mission for all divers and water enthusiasts worldwide to find Nemo. Your search ends and enhances at the Nemo Reef near Havelock. Nemo Reef is the perfect training ground not just for beginners but also for experienced divers to relax, glide and have a fun dive. Because of its controlled conditions, the perfectly sheltered site offers a safe, f, and peaceful ambiance for divers. The shallow waters provide a swimming pool-like setup where torrents of banner fish, rabbit fish, sweetlips queen fish, needlefish, and chubs flow in stimulating patterns. 

Did you know there are five varieties of Clown Fishes here? 

Yes, you can spot all of them in Nemo Reef. (Biological name – Anemonefish)

A few of the other astonishing natives of this reef are the popular cephalopods like octopus, squids, and cuttlefish. So, a delightful shore diving experience and a relaxed reef with pulsating life forms welcome you at Nemo Reef. 


8. Peel Light House – 

Depth – 12 M

Type – For all 

Peel Light House is a mysterious and spherical dive site with a titanic red-light house amidst pastel-grey sands on all sides. During the full moon and new moon, we can experience the gushing force of strong currents here. Mesmerizing corals like barrel sponges, soft coral, and fan corals will cast an everlasting spell of wonder on your five senses. Like the famous TV series Temple of Doom, divers experience the thrill of finning beneath the gaps of the fallen pillars. The lush ecosystem grips our attention with captivating creatures like feather duster worms, cowries, slugs, and puffers. Fortunate divers even get a rare chance to meet and greet the Kuhl’s sting ray from a distance. Peel Light House is one of the adventurous dive sites of Havelock. 


9. White House Rock – 

Depth – 10- 50 M

Type – Advance 

When a barrage of schooling fishes revolves around, above, and beneath you, where will you see? 

The White House rock is an incredible spot that offers an immersive experience with its copious amounts of snappers, tunas, elegant white corals, and much more. A fascinating fact about the White House Rock is that it’s actually made of black corals. Over the years, the black corals slowly developed glimmering snow-white polyps around its body, retaining the black shade on its stem. If we look into the captivating topography of the site, about 10 M into the depth, a straight-vertical drop-off extends for 50 M on one side, and a gradual 60-degree slope outspreads on the other side with gorgonian fans. 

A rare sight you may encounter here is the mating ritual of the trevallies. Don’t worry; if you don’t get to see it, you can always see the fast-paced scenes of trevallies hunting fusiliers. Barracudas and trevallies go on a roller coaster ride through the diverse collars and suspended particles here, giving the whole place a lively vibe, just like a crowded carnival in cities. A fun activity you can do here is trying to spot the scorpionfish. Their body is naturally designed to be cloaked within the dense ecology of corals. They vary in color, and they are masters in hiding.


10. SS Inchkett – 

Depth – 6-18 M

Type – For all

Tune in to your goth music and get ready to experience a pleasant yet ghostly site. In 1950, a whopping Japanese cargo ship hit a rock and sank down near Havelock Island. Over the years, marine life gradually covered the entire ship making it one of the famous and most desired wreck sites of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Deep sea molluscs and reef fishes lurk around the rusty slits and cracks of the ship, creating a montage of cinematic sceneries. The massive ship is broken into two parts where the bow and stern are slightly separated for a few meters with a giant rock between them. The mysterious ambiance gets more intense when lobsters, turtles, and Pufferfish suddenly pop out from the ship’s chambers. 

We hope you enjoyed the above list. Honestly, this is just a teaser. Havelock has more than 25 dive sites, and our experts are searching for more. So, if you are interested in them, feel free to reach us.

Scuba diving in Neil

By Scuba Diving Andamans

Scuba diving in Neil – All you need to know in 2023

Why should you Scuba Dive in Neil Island? 

Beyond the clutters of modern cities lies a tiny abode for peace, serenity, and tranquility deep within the lap of the pristine oceans – The Neil Island (Shaheed Dweep).

Located in the south of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, this tiny utopia is unique and untouched with massive coral reefs, sparkling sandy-rocky beaches, lush green forests, stunning marine life, and a soothing tropical climate. This tiny island is a concise dose of nature that fits in with a circumference of 10-13km, and it’s just a 2.5-hour ferry ride away from Port Blair. 

Hold on!

It’s different from Goa, Hawaii, or Maldives. 

It’s different. 

Neil Islands is remarkably diverse and distinct from the Populus island destinations of the world because of the lesser crowd and calming silence, and it’s still uninfluenced by tourists. Yes, it’s a cut above the rest when it comes to peace and nature. Speaking of vibes, Neil offers the best of both adventure and comfort. If you just want to lean back on a handmade wooden chair, sip some fresh coconut water and watch the simmering sunset in high definition or venture into thrilling water sports like snorkeling and scuba diving, this is the perfect spot for you. 

Now, if you are an underwater enthusiast and love to dive,

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should dive in Neil Island – 

1. Clear blue waters – 

As soon as you land at Neil, you can notice a spectrum of blue shades surrounding the entire island. Be it Bharatpur, Sitapur, or even Laxmanpur beach, the lively blues are a constant you can never miss. The topography around the island has lower sedimentation runoff. Because of this natural phenomenon, the vibrant blues are untainted by the blacks and browns of the sand. 


2. Unexplored coral reefs – 

The vast and massive coral reefs of Neil Island are still unexplored by the masses. It’s fresh, dynamic, and unaffected by population and pollution. As soon as you take a dive and observe them from a distance, you can see the patterns, textures, and picturesque forms they come in. Overall, it’s an art and part of the island’s ecosystem. They live in unison with the aquatic fishes providing them shelter, fodder, and protection. The antique coral reefs extend for several kilometers from the coastal lines to the depths of the oceans with cinematic sceneries and vibrant colors. 


3. Marine life – 

Expert divers, researchers, and aqua lovers from around the world visit Neil Island for its diverse and dense marine life. The iconic waters of Neil give us several opportunities to witness rare flora and fauna underwater. To name a few, do not miss the sight of a school of snappers, the flight of a gliding marble ray, unicorn fish piercing through the current, the graceful dance of the turtles, and the goofy movements of the goat fishes. If you are lucky, you can witness the gentle giant in action – Dugong. To sum it up, it has a plethora of options to explore. 


4. Less crowd – 

Imagine a dive where you are alone with your group and have the entire dive site just for you. This diver’s dream can happen only in the waters of Neil Island. There are just a few boats on the shore and fewer people on the dive sites. What else does a diver need? With a mix of deep and shallow waters, Neil Island is an ideal option for advanced divers to learn and hone their skills. 


5. A partial offline life – 

A video call or maybe a YouTube video in low res is easy in Neil. But if you think of streaming an OTT platform, it’s a big no. The network on Neil Island is not as strong as the mainland’s network. This gives you the luxury of time to finish that favorite book, take a long walk along the sunset, ponder upon valuable memories or make some new memories on the beach. It’s a place just to chill, relax and let the ocean breeze take away all your stress. 


Suppose Havelock Island is the heart of Scuba Diving in India. The Neil Island is for your mind’s space. It provides a calm, composed, rich, and less crowded diving environment. You get extra focus and attention for extra fun. 

PS – A soul-string experience awaits you at Neil Island.

Scuba Diving in Havelock

By Articles, Scuba Diving Andamans, scuba diving in india

Scuba Diving in Havelock – All you need to know in 2023 

Why should you Scuba Dive in Havelock Island? 

In the world of adventure in India – 

The Himalayas is famous for Mountaineering. 

Rishikesh and Zanskar are famous for Kayaking. 

Gulmarg is famous for Skiing. 

And for Scuba Diving? 

It’s Havelock Island – The heart of Scuba diving in India and home to millions and billions of dazzling marine life. 

But, ever wondered how Havelock became so popular? Where did this craze for Scuba Diving come from? 

The answer lay in 2003. So, let’s rewind a bit!

The Poayassay brothers – Jackson, Dickson, and Jhonny from the Karen community in Andaman- are one-of-a-kind, born-to-dive professionals in the industry. When they joined hands with Vinnie from DIVEIndia (The Pioneers of Diving in Havelock), they unlocked a whole new world of opportunities for Scuba Diving with their exploratory dives and underwater recces. Gradually, in 2006, they unfolded the 3 iconic world-class dive sites – Dickson’s Pinnacle, Jhonny’s George, and Jackson’s Bar. Over the years, by word of mouth and with the power of social media, the discovery of the 3 sites elevated Havelock’s identity and embedded it in the world’s radar. Today, experts and people who intend to venture into Scuba Diving aim to land at Havelock to experience at least these 3 famous dive sites apart from the surplus options to be explored.

And that’s how Havelock became India’s most demanding hub and a haven for Scuba Diving. 

Coming back to the narrative, nestled in the south east corner of the Great Andaman, Havelock is one of the largest islands in the Ritchie’s Archipelago within the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. This small wonder extends 18 kms long and 8 kms wide, with lush flora and fauna, and has something for everyone. If you have a taste for comfort and luxury, you can find star hotels with exotic packages. If you are a backpacker and an adventure buff, it has affordable accommodations with customized itinerates. If you are not able to decide, settle down for a “workcation” and experience comfort and thrill at the same time. It has all the conveniences of a city and more. 

The entire island is adorned with one of nature’s finest and most intricate underwater architecture, the colossal coral reefs. With a blend of rich green forests, serene beaches, and crystal-clear blue waters, the vibe here offers an enlightening experience to our mind, body, and soul. Apart from the massive number of exotic dive sites, one of the key highlights is the charming Radhanagar beach – renowned for its name as Asia’s best beach. Also, do not miss the lip-smacking and tongue-tingling tasty seafood here. It has a variety of options and flavors to choose from. 

Still curious why you should be scuba diving in Havelock? 

Here are the top 5 reasons to scuba dive in Havelock

1. Controlled conditions – 

The diverse dive sites of Havelock are burrowed and perfectly sheltered between a group of islands, making way for cambelts in and around the landscape. This paves the way for both shallow and deep waters for divers, accessible under controlled conditions offering a stress-free and safe atmosphere. 


2. Training Reefs – 

The training reef near the shores of Havelock Island is the ideal key to unlocking the next level of diving. The reef provides access for instructors and students to conduct, practice and learn several integrated courses and skills to begin or even continue your journey as a scuba diver. 


3. 20+ dive sites – 

Deep or Shallow. 

Dense or light. 

Compact or open. 

You name the type you want, and you will get it. Havelock is the treasure trove of magical dive sites. Apart from the 3 famous hotspots mentioned above, Havelock offers an array of charming underwater sites. Aquarium, Slope, Turtle Beach, K-Rock, Lighthouse, J-Table, Minerva’s, The Wall, and Vinnie’s Wreck are a few of the never-ending list. Keep your fingers crossed; our dive pros are on the lookout for more. 


4. Marine life – 

The marine life of Havelock is similar to Neil Island. If you are diving for the first time, keep your eyes peeled for the roaring lionfish, tiny barnacles playing hide and seek, gothic cuttlefish with tentacles, elegant feather dusters, groups of Tuna moving in sync, and hungry parrot fishes. Neither a single dive nor a 100 would suffice to spot the splendors of these mesmerizing sea creatures and their eco systems. 


5. Work-life balance – 

Maintaining a perfect balance between work and life is a herculean task. What if you get a chance to ace it? 

Here in Havelock, with nature at its best, people get some much-needed positive vibes to focus on their work with ease and peace. No matter the stress, the beaches are just a few minutes away. Every day is pleasant, and every weekend is a vacation in Havelock. To make it simple, your search for bliss ends here. 

So, if the oceans are calling out to you or you have an unquenchable thirst for diving and exploring the marvels of marine life, you now know where to go or, better yet, perhaps call a 2nd home.



Warm regards, 




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